;;==========================================================================;; ;; Joe Zbiciak's Space Patrol for Intellivision. ;; ;; Copyright 2007, Joe Zbiciak, intvnut AT gmail.com. ;; ;; http://spatula-city.org/~im14u2c/intv/ ;; ;;==========================================================================;; ;; ======================================================================== ;; ;; Bad guy related code ;; ;; ;; ;; -- Update bad-guy movement programs. ;; ;; -- Spawn/kill bad guys. ;; ;; ;; ;; "Love among puppets / And one day I'll pull all the strings" ;; ;; -- Gary Numan ;; ;; ======================================================================== ;; ;; ======================================================================== ;; ;; BGSPAWN -- Spawns a set of bad guys. Set to spawn is in R3. ;; ;; ======================================================================== ;; BGSPAWN PROC PSHR R5 ; PSHR R3 ; SLL R3, 1 ; SLL R3, 2 ; ADDI #$87, R3 ; MVO R3, $200 ; PULR R3 MVII #SPAWNTBL,R4 ;\ SLL R3, 2 ; |-- R5 = 4*R3 + SPAWNTBL ADDR R3, R4 ;/ B @@first @@sploop: CALL BGMAKE ADCR PC ;\_ if carry set, we maybe have room for more PULR PC ;/ @@first: MVI@ R4, R2 ; movement program TSTR R2 ; if bit 15 set, this is last spawn in list BPL @@sploop ANDI #$7FFF, R2 ;\ ; B BGMAKE.1 ; |- chain return via BGMAKE INCR PC ;/ ENDP ;; ======================================================================== ;; ;; BGMAKE Make a given bad-guy in first-available slot (if any) ;; ;; R2 -- Movement program ;; ;; R4 -- Pointer to rest of spawn record. ;; ;; ======================================================================== ;; BGMAKE PROC PSHR R5 @@1: ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ;; Find first slot in group 1 of the MOBs. ;; ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;; MVII #SPAT1, R5 MVII #5, R1 CLRR R0 @@find: CMP@ R5, R0 BEQ @@found DECR R1 BNEQ @@find CLRC PULR PC ;; Didn't find one, so leave. ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ;; Slot is open so copy over the attribute for the new bad-guy. ;; ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;; @@found: MOVR R5, R1 MOVR R2, R0 SWAP R0 ANDI #$7F, R0 CMPI #BGI.plant0, R0 BNEQ @@not_plant CALL PLAYSFX DECLE FXPLANT B @@cont @@not_plant: CMPI #BGI.sauc_lr,R0 BNEQ @@cont MVI WAVE, R0 ; \ INCR R0 ; |- Increment active saucer count MVO R0, WAVE ; / DECR R0 ; \ BNEQ @@cont ; | Play saucer sound effect at start of MVO R0, WKILL ; |- a new wave, and zero out the kill count CALL PLAYSFX ; | DECLE FXSAUC ; / @@cont: MOVR R1, R5 DECR R5 ; rewind R5 back to slot in SPAT MVI COURSE, R3 ; \ ANDI #6, R3 ; | SLL R3, 2 ; |- Index into BGS table based on SLL R3, 1 ; | current course ADDI #BGSTBL*2,R3 ; / ADD@ R4, R3 ; get bad-guy type RRC R3 MVI@ R3, R0 ; look up bad guy attributes. ADCR PC ; \ SWAP R0 ; |- unpack MOVR R0, R3 ; | (R3 holds jump-over score detail) ANDI #$FC, R0 ; / INCR R0 CMPI #SPATBL.stal, R0 BNEQ @@notstal ; \ MVI INCITY, R0 ; | CMPI #2, R0 ; |- Only spawn stalactites underground BNEQ @@nospawn ; | MVII #SPATBL.stal, R0 ; / @@notstal: MVO@ R0, R5 ; Store attrs to SPAT. ADDI #JMPSCO-SPAT1-1, R5 ; \ ANDI #3, R3 ; |- Store the jump-over score info MVO@ R3, R5 ; / DECR R4 MVI@ R4, R3 ADDI #SPHSCR-JMPSCO-1, R5 ; Index into SPHSCR table CLRR R1 ; \ CMPI #8, R3 ; |_ Clear SPHSCR for spawns 0-7 ADCR R1 ; | Set SPHSCR for spawns 8-15 MVO@ R1, R5 ; / ADDI #BGEXIT-SPHSCR-1, R5 ; Point into Bad-Guy exit table MVO@ R2, R5 ; Store out "exit programming" SWAP R2 ; SUBI #BGEXIT+1, R5 ; convert R5 back to slot # ADDR R5, R5 MOVR R5, R3 ; R3 = 2*slot ADDR R5, R5 ; R5 points into BGMPTBL + 4*slot ADDI #BGMPTBL, R5 ; Now index into program counter tbl MVO@ R2, R5 ; Store motion program indirection MVII #1, R1 ; Zero out rest of program state. MVO@ R1, R5 ; delay counter -- wait a tick, balance load MVI@ R4, R1 MVO@ R1, R5 ; stat byte 1 SWAP R1 MVO@ R1, R5 ; stat byte 2 MVII #SPXYV, R5 ; \__ Now point to this slot's X/Y velocity ADDR R3, R5 ; / CLRR R2 ; \ MVO@ R2, R5 ; |-- Set X, Y velocity to 0. MVO@ R2, R5 ; / ADDI #SPXYP-SPXYV-2, R5 ; Index back into position table. MVI@ R4, R3 ; Get X/Y coordinates MOVR R3, R2 ; \ ANDI #$00FF, R3 ; | BNEQ @@notf ; |\ MVI FXLO, R3 ; | |- Pick up follower X posn for the XORR R3, R2 ; |/ mine-layer @@notf: MVO@ R3, R5 ; |__ Initialize the position for this XORR R3, R2 ; | bad guy. SWAP R2 ; | MVO@ R2, R5 ; / @@nospawn: SETC PULR PC ENDP MACRO BGSENT a,W,b,X,c,Y,d,Z DECLE (((SPATBL.%a% AND $FC) OR %W%) SHL 8) + ((SPATBL.%b% AND $FC) OR %X%) DECLE (((SPATBL.%c% AND $FC) OR %Y%) SHL 8) + ((SPATBL.%d% AND $FC) OR %Z%) ENDM BGSTBL PROC ; Moon BGSENT pnk0, 0, blu0, 0, wht0, 0, fol0a, 0 BGSENT fol0b, 0, pnk0, 0, blu0, 0, wht0, 0 BGSENT tur0, 2, bld0a, 2, lmna, 1, plta, 2 BGSENT pltc, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ; Mars BGSENT pnk1, 0, blu1, 0, wht1, 0, fol1a, 0 BGSENT fol1b, 0, pnk1, 0, blu1a, 0, wht1, 0 BGSENT tur1, 2, bld0a, 2, lmna, 1, plta, 2 BGSENT pltc, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ; Pluto BGSENT pnk2, 0, blu2, 0, wht2, 0, fol2a, 0 BGSENT fol2b, 0, pnk2, 0, blu2, 0, wht2, 0 BGSENT tur2, 2, bld0a, 2, lmna, 1, plta, 2 BGSENT pltc, 3, crat6, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ; Mercury BGSENT pnk3, 0, blu3, 0, wht3, 0, fol3a, 0 BGSENT fol3b, 0, pnk3c, 0, blu3c, 0, wht3, 0 BGSENT tur3, 2, bld0a, 2, lmna, 1, plta, 2 BGSENT pltc, 3, stal, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ENDP ;; ======================================================================== ;; ;; BGDOEXIT -- Make a set of bad guys exit. ;; ;; ======================================================================== ;; BGDOEXIT PROC SLL R3, 2 ; \___ Shift our exit cue # to align w/ SLL R3, 1 ; / exit programming in BGEXIT table ANDI #$F8, R3 ; cull extra bits MVII #BGEXIT, R4 ; point R4 into Bad Guy Exit Program table MVII #BGMPTBL, R2 ; point R2 into Bad Guy Motion Program table MVII #5, R0 ; loop over all five bad guys @@loop: MVI@ R2, R1 ; \ TSTR R1 ; |- Skip dead bad guys MVI@ R4, R1 BEQ @@nope ; / XORR R3, R1 ; lets see if tag is equal CMPI #8, R1 ; if remainder < 8, it is. ; BC @@nope ADCR PC ; ADCR is a tad cheaper than the branch MVO@ R1, R2 ; force this bad guy into his exit state @@nope: ADDI #4, R2 ; advance to next BGMP record DECR R0 BNEQ @@loop ; loop over all 5 bad guys JR R5 ENDP IF (DEFINED BUILD_DEMO) ;; ======================================================================== ;; ;; UPDMO Update demo program ;; ;; ======================================================================== ;; UPDMO PROC PSHR R5 MVI DIG_CNT,R0 DECR R0 BPL @@cmd_delaying MVI DIG_PTR,R5 B @@cmd_loop @@next_cmd: PULR R1 PULR R5 @@cmd_loop: MVI@ R5, R0 ; Read in command MVO R5, DIG_PTR ;; Commands: ;; <0 Delay (< 0) ;; 0 End demo ;; 2 Jump ;; 4 Fire ;; 6 Set velocity ;; 8 Spawn bad-guy grouping COMR R0 BEQ @@cmd_loop BPL @@cmd_delaying COMR R0 MOVR R0, R1 SLR R1, 2 SLR R1, 2 PSHR R5 PSHR R1 ANDI #$E, R0 ADDR R0, PC B @@cmd_demo_over B @@cmd_jump B @@cmd_fire B @@cmd_setvel B @@cmd_spawn B @@cmd_demo_over B @@cmd_demo_over B @@cmd_demo_over @@cmd_jump: CALL DOJUMP B @@next_cmd @@cmd_fire: CALL DOFIRE B @@next_cmd @@setvel_tbl: DECLE VSLOW, VMED, VFAST @@cmd_setvel: ADDI #@@setvel_tbl, R1 MVI@ R1, R1 MVO R1, WANTVL B @@next_cmd @@cmd_spawn: CALL BGSPAWN B @@next_cmd @@cmd_delaying: MVO R0, DIG_CNT PULR PC @@cmd_demo_over: SUBI #2, R6 ; discard top two items on stack PULR R5 B SCHEDEXIT ENDP INCLUDE "demo_ingame.asm" ENDI ;; ======================================================================== ;; ;; Interpreter for Bad Guy Motion Programs ;; ;; ;; ;; ARCHITECTURE ;; ;; ;; ;; Each bad guy has the following 5 bytes of state: ;; ;; ;; ;; -- One program indirect pointer (1 byte) ;; ;; -- One delay counter (1 byte) ;; ;; -- Two status bytes (2 bytes) ;; ;; ;; ;; ======================================================================== ;; ;; ======================================================================== ;; ;; UPBGM -- Update Bad Guy Motion. Called on a 30Hz tick. ;; ;; ======================================================================== ;; UPBGM PROC @@0: PSHR R5 MVII #BGMPTBL, R4 CLRR R1 B @@first_bgmp ; skip first INCR R1 @@1: PSHR R5 MVII #BGMPTBL + 4, R4 MVII #1, R1 B @@first_bgmp ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ;; Iterate through the motion programs. ;; ;; R0 -- scratch ;; ;; R1 -- Slot # for MOB (within group 1) ;; ;; R2 -- Program counter for current record. ;; ;; R3 -- scratch ;; ;; R4 -- Pointer to BGMP state tables ;; ;; R5 -- scratch ;; ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;; @@next_bgmp: ADDI #2, R1 ; next slot # CMPI #5, R1 ; Is this the end? BGE @@done_bgmp ; Yes, done. @@first_bgmp: MVI@ R4, R2 ; Get program counter TSTR R2 ; If it's zero, motion program is inactive BNEQ @@active_bgmp ; Non-zero, it's active. ADDI #3 + 4, R4 ; Skip rest of record. CMPI #BGMPTBL+20, R4 ; Is this the end? BLT @@next_bgmp ; No, do the next one. ; B @@done_bgmp ; Yes, done. @@done_bgmp: PULR PC @@active_bgmp: MOVR R4, R3 MVI@ R4, R0 ; Get delay counter for this motion program ADDI #2 + 4, R4 ; point to next record DECR R0 ; Count down the delay counter. MVO@ R0, R3 ; Store the updated delay counter BPL @@next_bgmp ; If not expired, go to the next program. @@expired: INCR R3 ; Point R3 to first 'status byte' in record PSHR R4 ; MVII #@@dnR4,R5 ; \ Call the motion program via indirect ADDI #BGMPIND-1,R2 ; |-- table. R1=slot #, R3 and R4=state tbl MVI@ R2, PC ; / R2, R5 are scratch. BGT_RET: @@dnR4: PULR R4 @@done: DECR R3 ; Point R3 back to delay counter MVO@ R0, R3 ; Put R0 (return value) into delay counter. B @@next_bgmp ; Do processing for next motion program ENDP ;; ======================================================================== ;; ;; BGFIRE. Make bad-guy number in R1 fire a bullet. ;; ;; R0 == Velocity table index in MSB, attr in LSB. ;; ;; ======================================================================== ;; BGFIRE PROC @@d: MVII #pack(@@cc-@@tbl, SPATBL.b5), R0 ; fire left B @@doit @@c: MVII #pack(@@cc-@@tbl, SPATBL.b4), R0 ; fire left B @@doit @@b: MVII #pack(@@bb-@@tbl, SPATBL.b1), R0 ; drop crater maker B @@doit @@a: MVII #pack(@@aa-@@tbl, SPATBL.b2), R0 ; drop the bomb @@doit: PSHR R5 PSHR R4 MVII #TMP, R4 MVO@ R0, R4 SWAP R0 MVO@ R0, R4 MVO@ R2, R4 SWAP R2 MVO@ R2, R4 CLRR R2 ; interruptible MVO@ R3, R4 CLRR R3 ; interruptible ; here, R1 == bad guy #. Now we need to copy the bad-guy's ; coordinates to the bullet, set up the bullet velocity, ; and bullet type. ; find a slot for the bullet MVII #SPAT2, R5 @@slotlp: INCR R2 CMP@ R5, R3 BNEQ @@slotlp DECR R2 CMPI #SPAT2+5,R5 BC @@nobgfire ; Can't fire -- all slots taken ; set up position MOVR R1, R4 ; R1 == bad guy number MOVR R2, R5 ; R2 == bullet slot number ADDR R1, R4 ; R4 == offset to bad guy ADDR R2, R5 ; R5 == offset to bullet slot ADDI #SPXY1, R4 ; Point to XY of badguy ADDI #SPXY2, R5 ; Point to XY of bullet MVII #$00FF, R0 ; MVI@ R4, R3 ; \ SUBI #$003, R3 ; | ANDR R0, R3 ; |__ Copy over MSB of X and Y. MVO@ R3, R5 ; | Offset X left by 3 pixels. AND@ R4, R0 ; | MVO@ R0, R5 ; / ; now, set up velocity & type. These are passed in via R0 and R3. MVII #SPXYV+5*2, R5 ; \ ADDR R2, R5 ; |-- Point to xy vel of bullet ADDR R2, R5 ; / ADDI #SPAT2, R2 ; Point to attr of bullet MVI TMP+1, R4 ; \__ get ptr to horiz/vert velocity ADDI #@@tbl, R4 ; / MVI@ R4, R0 MVO@ R0, R5 ; set horiz velocity of bullet MVI@ R4, R0 MVO@ R0, R5 ; set vert velocity of bullet MVI TMP, R3 ; Get attribute. MVO@ R3, R2 ; Store out attribute B @@done @@nobgfire: @@done: MVI TMP+4, R3 XORI #$100, R3 MVI TMP+3, R2 SWAP R2 MVI TMP+2, R2 PULR R4 PULR PC @@tbl: @@cc: DECLE $44FE, $0000 @@bb: DECLE $4001, $4001 @@aa: DECLE $0000, $0001 ENDP ;; ======================================================================== ;; ;; BGKILL Remove a bad guy in a given slot. ;; ;; R1 -- Slot number ;; ;; ======================================================================== ;; BGKILL PROC PSHR R5 ADDI #BGEXIT,R1 ; \ CLRR R0 ; |- Cancel BGEXIT tie-in MVO@ R0, R1 ; / ADDI #SPHSCR-BGEXIT,R1 ; \_ Cancel any horiz scrolling this MVO@ R0, R1 ; / bad guy may have requested. SLL R1, 2 MVII #(BGMPTBL - 4*(SPHSCR)) AND $FFFF, R5 ADDR R1, R5 ;; Kill the movement program connected with this slot MVO@ R0, R5 ; zero out the motion program pointer. MVO@ R0, R5 ; zero out the motion program counter. MVO@ R0, R5 ; zero out loopa MVO@ R0, R5 ; zero out loopb PULR PC ENDP __ ;* ======================================================================== *; ;* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *; ;* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *; ;* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *; ;* (at your option) any later version. *; ;* *; ;* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *; ;* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *; ;* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU *; ;* General Public License for more details. *; ;* *; ;* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *; ;* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *; ;* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *; ;* ======================================================================== *; ;* Copyright (c) 2007, Joseph Zbiciak *; ;* ======================================================================== *; _