;;==========================================================================;; ;; Joe Zbiciak's Space Patrol for Intellivision. ;; ;; Copyright 2007, Joe Zbiciak, intvnut AT gmail.com. ;; ;; http://spatula-city.org/~im14u2c/intv/ ;; ;;==========================================================================;; ;;==========================================================================;; ;; CKBGB Checks the bad guys' bullets and sees if they hit anything. ;; ;;==========================================================================;; CKBGB PROC ; PSHR R5 MVI MOBHIT, R0 DECR R0 BEQ @@nomobhit IF DODEAD P16_CSTK 0, 0, White, "DEAD" MVII #1, R0 MVO R0, MOBHIT ELSE CLRR R0 ; \ MVO R0, DEFSCO ; |_ Tank died; pop out of RUNENG. INCR R0 ; | and kill any deferred score MVO R0, DNENG ; / B @@skipdbloop ENDI @@nomobhit MVII #$FF, R0 MVO R0, TMP ;;------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; Step through group 2, 1st 5. ;; ;; If the Y position matches the ground, disable the bullet. ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------;; MVII #5, R1 MVII #SPXY2, R4 MVII #SPAT2, R5 B @@db1st @@dbskip: ADDI #2, R4 DECR R1 BEQ @@dbdone @@dbloop: @@db1st: MVI@ R5, R0 ; get attr for bullet DECR R0 ; is it 0 BMI @@dbskip ; yes... skip it MVI@ R4, R3 ; get X position MVI@ R4, R0 ; get Y position SWAP R3 SWAP R0 CMPI #250*256, R3 ;\ BC @@xok ; |__ disable bullets that go off the CMPI #170*256, R3 ; | sides of the screen. BC @@disspinX ;/ @@xok: CMPI #(GROW_p+9)*256, R0 ; BLT @@dbyok ; Is it on the ground yet? MVI TMP, R0 ; \ ANDI #$FE, R0 ; |- Small explosion if normal bullet MVO R0, TMP ; / DECR R5 ; Is it a spinner bullet? MVI@ R5, R0 CMPI #SPATBL.b1, R0 BEQ @@spinb CMPI #SPATBL.b1b,R0 BNEQ @@disable @@spinb MVI CRATCNT, R0 ; \ DECR R0 ; |-- If we did one too recently, BPL @@disable0 ; / don't do another yet ; If this was a spinner bullet, decide whether to make a crater. SUBI #2, R4 ; MVI@ R4, R3 ; Get the X coord INCR R4 ; ANDI #$FF, R3 ; \ MVI PGPHAS, R0 ; | ANDI #7, R0 ; | SUBR R0, R3 ; | Calculate card address of potential SLR R3, 2 ; | crater location. Account for phase. SLR R3, 1 ; |-- Disable stuff too far to right CMPI #18, R3 ; | or too far to the left. BGE @@disable1 ; | CMPI #9, R3 ; | BLT @@disable2 ; | ADDI #GROW, R3 ; / CLRR R0 CMP@ R3, R0 ; \ BGT @@disable3 ; | INCR R3 ; | Check a four-card range around CMP@ R3, R0 ; | the potential crash site. We BGT @@disable4 ; |__ check the following pattern (X's): ADDI #18, R3 ; | .XX. This ensures that we CMP@ R3, R0 ; | X..X allow landing areas near BGT @@disable5 ; | craters we make, keeping it fair. ADDI #3, R3 ; | CMP@ R3, R0 ; | BGT @@disable6 ; / ; If we get here, make the crater! SUBI #GROW+20+3, R3 MVO R3, CRATCNT ; Set up the "no new craters" counter. ADDI #GROW-1+3, R3 MVI TMP, R0 ; \ ANDI #$FD, R0 ; |- Large explosion if we make a crater MVO R0, TMP ; / MVII #$0800 + RCS1.nosc, R0 MVO@ R0, R3 DECR R3 MVII #$0800 + RCS1.sc500, R0 MVO@ R0, R3 ADDI #20, R3 MVII #$8800 + X_ORG + (RCARD + 7)*8, R0 MVO@ R0, R3 INCR R3 ADDI #8, R0 MVO@ R0, R3 B @@disspin @@disspinX: CMPI #240*256, R3 ; BC @@disable ; Ignore bullets going off left. @@disable0: @@disable1: @@disable2: @@disable3: @@disable4: @@disable5: @@disable6: @@disspin: CLRR R0 ; MVO R0, SPINB ; Allow a new spinner bullet @@disable: CLRR R0 ; \ DECR R5 ; |-- Disable the sprite. MVO@ R0, R5 ; / DECR R2 @@dbyok: DECR R1 BNEQ @@dbloop @@dbdone: MVI TMP, R2 RRC R2 BC @@nosmexp CALL PLAYSFX DECLE FXSMEXP @@nosmexp: RRC R2 BC @@nolgexp MVII #FXLGEXP, R1 MVII #@@nolgexp, R5 B DOPLAYSFX @@nolgexp: @@skipdbloop ; PULR PC ENDP __ ;* ======================================================================== *; ;* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *; ;* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *; ;* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *; ;* (at your option) any later version. *; ;* *; ;* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *; ;* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *; ;* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU *; ;* General Public License for more details. *; ;* *; ;* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *; ;* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *; ;* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *; ;* ======================================================================== *; ;* Copyright (c) 2007, Joseph Zbiciak *; ;* ======================================================================== *; _