;; ======================================================================== ;; ;; Miscellaneous tank-related stuff. ;; ;; ======================================================================== ;; ;;==========================================================================;; ;; DOJUMP -- Event handler for jump key. ;; ;;==========================================================================;; DOJUMP PROC PSHR R5 MVI JHGT, R0 TSTR R0 BNEQ @@nojump MVII #VJUMP, R0 MVO R0, JVEL MVII #2, R1 MVII #FXJUMP2,R1 CALL DOPLAYSFX MVII #FXJUMP,R1 PULR R5 B DOPLAYSFX @@nojump: PULR PC ENDP ;;==========================================================================;; ;; DOFIRE -- Event handler for fire button. ;; ;;==========================================================================;; DOFIRE PROC PSHR R5 ; Don't let user fire too often MVI FCNT, R0 TSTR R0 BNEQ @@noupb MVII #10, R0 MVO R0, FCNT ; See if we have a bullet we can fire. We get 2. CLRR R0 CLRR R1 MVII #SPAT2 + 5, R5 CMP@ R5, R0 ; Check first bullet slot. BEQ @@do_fire_up ; if attr==0, bullet is available CMP@ R5, R0 ; Check second bullet slot. BNEQ @@noupb ; if second bullet not available, leave MVII #2, R1 @@do_fire_up: ; Fire the bullet! MOVR R1, R4 ADDI #SPXY2 + 5*2, R4 ; R4 points to XY position ADDI #SPXYV + 10*2, R1 ; R1 points to XY velocity CLRR R3 MVO@ R3, R1 ; set X velocity to 0 INCR R1 MVII #$00FE, R3 MVO@ R3, R1 ; set Y velocity to -$80 MVI SDAT, R3 ; get buggy's X position SUBI #6, R3 ; Offset slightly ANDI #$FF, R3 ; mask to 8 bits MVO@ R3, R4 ; MSB derived from tank position MVI SDAT+8, R3 ; get buggy's Y position SUBI #4, R3 ; Offset slightly ANDI #$7F, R3 ; mask to 7 bits MVO@ R3, R4 ; MSB derived from tank position DECR R5 ; MVII #SPATBL.b3, R3 ; Get the buggy's bullet MVO@ R3, R5 ; Activate the bullet MVII #FXBFIRE,R1 CALL DOPLAYSFX ; Make a bip... @@noupb: ;; Can we fire a horizontal bullet? MVI HBCNT2, R0 TSTR R0 BNEQ @@leave MVI HBCOL0, R0 ; Get current displayed horiz bullet column DECR R0 ; If zero, we can fire. BPL @@leave ; Non-zero, don't fire. MVI JHGT, R2 ; Are we jumping? CMPI #32*4, R2 ; BGE @@leave ; Yes: Don't fire. MVI SDAT, R3 ; get buggy's X position ADDI #16, R3 ; Offset slightly ANDI #$FF, R3 ; keep 8 bits SLR R3, 1 ; \ MOVR R3, R4 ; |__ Pick an initial bullet graphic. ANDI #3, R4 ; | ADDI #@@tbl, R4 ; / SLR R2, 2 ; \ SLR R2, 2 ; |-- Calculate horizontal bullet row SLR R2, 1 ; / MVII #20, R1 ; End 5.5 cards away MVI@ R4, R0 ; Starting position in pattern depends on ; buggy position MVO R0, HBDATA ; \ MVO R1, HBCNT ; |__ "Ensign, fire at Will!" MVO R2, HBROW ; | MVO R3, HBCOL1 ; / MVII #28, R1 MVO R1, HBCNT2 ; CLRR R0 MVO R0, HBKOS MVII #FXBFIRE,R1 CALL DOPLAYSFX ; Make a bip... @@leave: PULR PC @@tbl: DATA $C0, $30, $0C, $03 ENDP __ ;* ======================================================================== *; ;* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *; ;* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *; ;* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *; ;* (at your option) any later version. *; ;* *; ;* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *; ;* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *; ;* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU *; ;* General Public License for more details. *; ;* *; ;* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *; ;* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *; ;* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *; ;* ======================================================================== *; ;* Copyright (c) 2007, Joseph Zbiciak *; ;* ======================================================================== *; _