;;==========================================================================;; ;; Joe Zbiciak's Space Patrol for Intellivision. ;; ;; Copyright 2007, Joe Zbiciak, intvnut AT gmail.com. ;; ;; http://spatula-city.org/~im14u2c/intv/ ;; ;;==========================================================================;; ;;==========================================================================;; ;; UPSPP Updates sprite positions based on velocities ;; ;;==========================================================================;; UPSPP PROC ; PSHR R5 ; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; Determine if the display scrolled horizontally by 1 pixel ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------;; MVI PGPHAS, R0 ; 10 \ CMP PPGPHA, R0 ; 10 |- See if screen moved MVO R0, PPGPHA ; 11 / BEQ @@no_hscroll ; 7/9 ;---- ; 38 (fallthru) ;;------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; When horiz-scrolling, update the level marker if it's active. ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------;; @@lmscroll: MVI LMCNT, R1 ; 10 Get current level marker posn MVO R1, SDAT+7 ; 11 Funky MOB 7 disable if no LMCHAR DECR R1 ; 6 Slide it left 1 BMI @@no_level_marker ; 7/9 \ MVO R1, LMCNT ; 11 |- Store it, or leave if none. BEQ @@no_level_marker ; 7/9 / ;---- ; 52 (fallthru) MVII #SPATLM, R4 ; 8 point to level marker sprite attrs MVI@ R4, R0 ; 8 get level marker X info ADDR R1, R0 ; 6 offset for X position MVO R0, SDAT+7 ; 11 store to MOB 7's X reg. MVI@ R4, R0 ; 8 get level marker Y info MVO R0, SDAT+15 ; 11 store to MOB 7's Y reg. MVI LMCHAR, R0 ; 10 SLL R0, 1 ; 6 SLL R0, 2 ; 8 ;---- ; 76 CMPI #$200, R0 ; 8 is it a major ckpt? BNC @@not_major_ckpt ; 7/9 SUBI #$100, R0 ; 8 rewind back to uppercase MVI TIMTIC, R1 ; 10 \ ANDI #4, R1 ; 8 | BNEQ @@not_major_ckpt ; 7/9 |- Blink major checkpoints XORI #X_GRY, R0 ; 8 | B @@skip_color ; 9 / ;---- ; 65 (fall thru -> skip_color) ; 50 (2nd br to not_major_ckpt) @@not_major_ckpt MVI COURSE, R1 ; 10 \ ADDI #CCTBL, R1 ; 8 |- add course-specific color. ADD@ R1, R0 ; 8 / @@skip_color XOR@ R4, R0 ; 8 get level marker other attributes MVO R0, SDAT+23 ; 11 store to MOB 7's A reg. ;---- ; 45 ; 50 (carried fwd worst case) ; 76 (carried fwd) ; 52 (carried fwd) ; 38 (carried fwd) ;---- ; 261 @@no_level_marker: @@done_level_marker: CLRC ; 4 C=0 means screen scrolled INCR PC ; 7 Skip SETC below ;---- ; 272 (worst case) @@no_hscroll: SETC ; 4 ;;------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; Update the X/Y positions of all 12 possible sprites ;; ;; This includes scrolling objects one pixel left horizontally if ;; ;; the screen scrolled by one pixel. ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------;; MVII #SPXYP, R4 ; 8 Point to X/Y position table MVII #SPXYV, R5 ; 8 Point to X/Y velocity table MVII #2, R2 ; 8 Rewind offset BC @@no_hscroll_1 ; 7/9 Alternate update if no scroll. ;---- ; 31 (fall-thru is overall worst case) ; 272 (fwd) ;---- ; 303 @@sph SET 0 REPEAT 5 MVI@ R5, R0 ; 8 Get velocity ADD@ R4, R0 ; 8 Add velocity to position ADCR R0 ; 6 end-around carry for 1s compl SUB SPHSCR+@@sph, R0 ; 10 Adjust for horizontal scroll @@sph SET @@sph+1 MVI@ R5, R1 ; 8 Get velocity ADD@ R4, R1 ; 8 Add velocity to position ADCR R1 ; 6 end-around carry for 1s compl SUBR R2, R4 ; 6 Rewind MVO@ R0, R4 ; 9 Store new X position MVO@ R1, R4 ; 9 Store new Y position ENDR ;---- ; 390 (5 iterations * 78) @@l REPEAT 2 MVI@ R5, R0 ; 8 Get velocity ADD@ R4, R0 ; 8 Add velocity to position ADCR R0 ; 6 end-around carry for 1s compl MVI@ R5, R1 ; 8 Get velocity ADD@ R4, R1 ; 8 Add velocity to position ADCR R1 ; 6 end-around carry for 1s compl SUBR R2, R4 ; 6 Rewind MVO@ R0, R4 ; 9 Store new position MVO@ R1, R4 ; 9 Store new position ENDR ;---- ; 136 (2 iter * 68) @@no_hscroll_1: MVI@ R5, R0 ; 8 Get velocity ADD@ R4, R0 ; 8 Add velocity to position ADCR R0 ; 6 end-around carry for 1s compl MVI@ R5, R1 ; 8 Get velocity ADD@ R4, R1 ; 8 Add velocity to position ADCR R1 ; 6 end-around carry for 1s compl SUBR R2, R4 ; 6 Rewind MVO@ R0, R4 ; 9 Store new position MVO@ R1, R4 ; 9 Store new position MVI@ R5, R1 ; 8 Get velocity ADD@ R4, R1 ; 8 Add velocity to position ADCR R1 ; 6 end-around carry for 1s compl DECR R4 ; 6 Rewind MVO@ R1, R4 ; 9 Store new position ;---- ; 105 ; 136 (from @@l to @@no_hscroll) ;---- ; 241 ; 482 (2 iters from @@l to here) CMPI #SPXYV+24, R5 ; 16 (8 * 2) BLT @@l ; 16 (9 + 7) ;---- ; 514 ; 390 (first 5 iters) ; 303 (carried forward) ;---- ;1207 ; PULR PC ENDP __ ;* ======================================================================== *; ;* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *; ;* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *; ;* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *; ;* (at your option) any later version. *; ;* *; ;* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *; ;* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *; ;* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU *; ;* General Public License for more details. *; ;* *; ;* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *; ;* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *; ;* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *; ;* ======================================================================== *; ;* Copyright (c) 2007, Joseph Zbiciak *; ;* ======================================================================== *; _