;;==========================================================================;; ;; DBHC -- Read hand-controller inputs. ;; ;; ;; ;; This function previously debounced the inputs. Now it merely returns ;; ;; the current and previous inputs, merged from both controllers. ;; ;; ;; ;; OUTPUTS ;; ;; R0 Controller input ;; ;; R2 Previous controller input ;; ;;==========================================================================;; DBHC PROC MVII #$1FE, R4 ; 8 Point to hand controllers MVI@ R4, R0 ; 8 \_ Read and merge controller inputs XOR@ R4, R0 ; 8 / MVI DBOUT, R2 ; 10 Previous input. MVO R0, DBOUT ; 11 Store new input. JR R5 ; 7 ;==== ; 154 ENDP